Stratèges financiers – Aider les gens avec leurs finances – AUM – Actifs sous gestion
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Stratèges financiers – Aider les gens avec leurs finances – AUM – Actifs sous gestion
Stratèges financiers – Aider les gens avec leurs finances – AUM – Actifs sous gestion
Stratèges financiers
Stratèges financiers – Aider les gens avec leurs finances – AUM – Actifs sous gestion
Chez Finance Strategists, nous pensons que l’un des meilleurs moyens d’aider quelqu’un est de gérer ses finances.
Nous créons des vidéos et du contenu informatifs utiles pour aider les gens à prendre le contrôle de leurs finances.
Nous pensons qu’élever une génération de dirigeants avec la liberté financière peut changer la vie individuelle, les quartiers, les pays et le monde.
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Finance Dictionary
View our list of the most helpful finance terms below.
– Valuation Methods– AUM
– Types of Assets – Bonds
– Annual Percentage Rate– Bull Market
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AUM (Assets Under Management) Definition
True Tamplin, BSc
What Does AUM Stand For?
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The AUM acronym stands for “Assets Under Management.”
It refers to the total market value of assets being managed by an investment advisor or financial institution, either from one client or many.
To define AUM precisely, the exact definition of AUM varies by institution; some include bank deposits, mutual funds, and cash in their computation, while others only consider the discretionary funds that investors have given an advisor to trade on their behalf.
AUM fluctuates as the value of the assets managed changes with market performance.
What Is AUM in Finance?
When evaluating a portfolio manager, assets under management (AUM) is one metric investors consider.
Among other variables such as management performance, experience, disciplinary history, and other offered services, a greater AUM can be an indicator of a manager who has demonstrated proficiency.
Investment advisors that oversee more than $25 million in AUM must register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Advisors overseeing less may register with state securities administrators.
AUM Payment and Fees
Managers may charge a percentage of the total AUM they manage for a client for their services, such as 1%.
Screenshot from our animation video showing an example of a 1% advisor fee.