SZukaj we wszystkich katalogach Katalog “Polska Dla Ukrainy”EVENTSSIPSA-FILAHA & AGROFOOD 2022Easter 2021 – the Message from PolandI International Event Poland – MozambiqueII International Event Poland-YemenIII International Event POLAND – ZAMBIACEiPGNEGOCEInternational System for Transfer of Technology, Machines and ProductsCluster of Development CATTInstitute IDATTHow to become a Producer of:potato plantersplanters for vegetable seedlingsline for potatoes and onions sortinganimal foodcaramel, sweets & krówkamarmalades, preserves, jams, ketchup, tomato juice or pomacesausages, hams, meat, poultry, fish etc.How to roast, smoke, steam of meat, vegetables and fruitapplesFor businessMake offer for freeRegister / Sign upContact