Securing and long-term protection against viruses influenza viruses coronavirus disease COVID-19 bacteria and fungi in building objects


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Securing and long-term protection against viruses influenza viruses coronavirus disease COVID-19 bacteria and fungi in building objects

ochrona biologiczna przed wirusami COVID-19

Ochrona przed wirusami grypowymi / koronowirusem oraz bakteriami i grzybami
ochrona biologiczna przed COVID-19 wirusami i bakteriami
Ochrona przed wirusami grypowymi / koronowirusem oraz bakteriami i grzybami

Securing and long-term protection against viruses, influenza viruses, coronavirus disease (COVID-19), bacteria and fungi in building objects.

Protection against viruses, influenza viruses, coronavirus disease (COVID-19), bacteria and fungi – at buildings, hotels, hospitals, schools, shopping malls, airports, companies, manufacturing plants, etc.

Securing and long-term protection against viruses, influenza viruses, coronavirus disease (COVID-19), bacteria and fungi in building objects is based on the use of special virucidal nanotechnology preparations.

These preparations are sprayed on internal and external filters as well as on exchangers, pipes, covers and other internal parts of ventilation and air conditioning equipment and stations.

As a result, bactericidal particles of nanotechnology preparations settle on the walls and internal parts as well as on filters of ventilation or air conditioning systems, neutralizing viruses and bacteria during their flow with air and filtering in devices or air-conditioning or ventilation centers.

At the same time, along with the air, nanotechnology particles of bactericidal preparations are propagated in building rooms, where they settle on the walls, windows, floors, furniture, furnishings of these objects, causing from 3 to 6 months constant protection of these objects and people staying or working in them against viruses and bacteria.

In this way, they eliminate not only influenza or coronavirus viruses, but also all other viruses and bacteria from the following groups:

Protection against viruses, influenza viruses, coronavirus disease (COVID-19), bacteria and fungi

Protection against viruses, influenza viruses, coronavirus disease (COVID-19), bacteria and fungi

Protection against viruses, influenza viruses, coronavirus disease (COVID-19), bacteria and fungi

Securing and long-term protection against viruses, influenza viruses, coronavirus disease (COVID-19), bacteria and fungi in building objects is based on the use of special virucidal nanotechnology preparations.

Ochrona przed wirusami i bakteriami obiektów budowlanych