SIPSA Innov ‘2019 competition

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SIPSA Innov ‘2019 competition

Międzynarodowy Konkurs na Innowacyjne Produkty i Rozwiązania w Rolnictwie, Hodowli, Przetwórstwie

SIPSA Innov ‘2019 competition

Innovations SIPSA 2019 Listings

Who can participate? • Exhibitors and co-exhibitors of SIPSA-FILAHA 2019. • Farmers and operators. • Startups under development. • Researchers and students from universities, research centers and schools
For its 2019 edition, SIPSA is organizing its first edition of the SIPSA Innov ‘contest. A panel of experts will review a competition on agricultural innovations to encourage the efforts and creativity that many farmers in Algeria are showing today.
Innovations, in a broad sense, are important vectors of change, adaptation and rationalization in the face of the multiple challenges that Algerian agriculture faces as an essential component of the country’s food security.
Product innovation, processes, marketing … is to be evaluated in several ways namely according to:
The importance of the targeted problem. Ingenuity in the valorization of local resources (know-how and natural resources). The economic efficiency of the proposed solution. The innovative nature of the solution on a technical level.
Main objective is:
Introduce new processes in the value chain. Improve the quality of innovative projects in the field of agriculture. Accelerate the transfer of research results to the productive world.
In this context, contest participants will benefit from:
The visibility of their initiative to visitors knowing that innovation is one of the first criteria for visiting the Salon. Opportunities for strategic partnerships for the development of their projects. A free exhibition space of their project dedicated to innovations. Support for editing presentation documents for their project. Attend the presentation of the innovation trophies in the presence of operators participating in the show. Many media spinoffs in the Algerian press and the specialized press. Facilitate the marketing of their products and promote commercial development. The winners will be honored at the closing ceremony of SIPSA-FILAHA 2019. Coaching sessions. Advice on regulation and administrative formalities for the creation and development of an innovative company. Tips for technical and financial feasibility. Help looking for funding.
Who can participate or target populations
The exhibitors and co-exhibitors of SIPSA-FILAHA 2019. Farmers and operators. Startups under development. Researchers and students from universities, research centers and schools.
Themes of the contest
Innovations in agricultural production systems. Innovations in the valorization of agricultural products and local resources. Innovations for sustainable agriculture
Project evaluation will take place in two stages:
1-Screening phase of projects: will be based on two main criteria which are:
Clarity of the project and its functionality Degree of maturity of the project and prototype.
2-Technical Evaluation Phase:
It will be performed on a pitch of 5 min with presentation of prototype if necessary:
The evaluation criteria will be:
The innovative nature of innovation Market orientation. Impact on the environment and health. Exportability and international orientation of the product. Orientation towards a territorial or regional market. Added value.
The evaluation committee will be composed of an expert jury independent of the SIPSA organization and will examine in a neutral manner the files submitted by the candidates:
The experts of Filaha Innov ‘. Representatives of ministerial departments, INRA ENSA, ENV. Business Angels. Representation of a design office qualified and approved by the State. Representative of a professional organization.
Schedule of the operation:
Submission of complete files: July 30, 2019 First selection of eligible projects by the jury: end of August 2019 Publication of the SIPSA Innov ‘2019 winners (presentation of the candidates selected before a jury and selection of the “Pitch 10 minutes” laureates): beginning of September 2019 Presentation of the trophies at the exhibitors’ party: Monday, October 7, 2019.